
West Estonia

Mihkli Lutheran Church

Mihkli Church was built in the ancient Soontagana Parish in the 13th century and its therefore one of the oldest and most original buildings in Western Estonia.«<0}
Mihkli Church follows the main nature of churches in the Saare-Lääne Diocese where a narrower choir room joins the longitudinal building with a single nave.«<0} {0>Tänase nelinurkse kellatorni sai kirik 18. saj, sel aja müüriti kinni ka kiriku põrandaalused hauakambrid.<}100{>The present square bell tower was built in the 18th century, at the same time when the crypts under the church’s floor were walled in.<0} {0>Kirikaia müüri sisse jääb vana kalmistu.<}100{>There is an old graveyard inside the wall surrounding the church garden.<0} Useful information! The famous Latvian Henrik who chronicled the Christianisation of Estonia and Latvia and the ancient fight for freedom (1180-1227) was the first priest here.

West Estonia

Opening times


Kiriku, Mihkli küla, Lääneranna vald, Pärnu maakond